Mr Burns Casino Quotes
A great memorable quote from the The Simpsons movie on - Mr. Burns: A lifetime of working with nuclear power has left me with a healthy green glow. And left me as impotent as a Nevada boxing commissioner. Burns is the wealthiest man in Springfield, but he's also rich in amazing quotes that have stayed with us for all these years. Let's take a look at the best Mr. Burns quotes of all time, from his classic 'Excellent' to funnier lines like 'Homer, your bravery and quick thinking have turned a potential Chernobyl into a mere Three. Men like Burns made their fortunes waging war against nature and reaping the profits. The concept of co-existing peacefully with nature would be totally foreign to him. RELATED: The Simpsons: 10 Most Hilarious Mr. In fact, Burns is convinced the current global climate issues are a sign of nature finally admitting its defeat. Burns Quotes Lenny: No, mine was rubber mats in the decontamination showers, also water in the decontamination showers.
Lenny: No, mine was rubber mats in the decontamination showers, also water in the decontamination showers.
Burns: Never!
- Permalink: No, mine was rubber mats in the decontamination showers, also water in the decontamination showe
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I appreciate the counsel Simpson, now please trap door yourself out.
- Permalink: I appreciate the counsel Simpson, now please trap door yourself out.
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I demand to see that capitalism castrating suffragette this instant.
- Permalink: I demand to see that capitalism castrating suffragette this instant.
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Beware, rabbits. I spy with my transplanted eyes.
Mr Burns Casino Quotes Funny
- Permalink: Beware, rabbits. I spy with my transplanted eyes.
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Don't pester the rich. I don't hand out candy, you son of a grinch.
- Permalink: Don't pester the rich. I don't hand out candy, you son of a grin...
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Mr Burns Casino Quotes For Today
Burns: How much for your entire collection?
Comic Book Guy: Um, the speed of light expressed in dollars.
Burns (to Smithers): Just give him Faraday's constant.
- Permalink: How much for your entire collection? Um, the speed of light e...
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Hello, Smithers. Fancy seeing you in casual encounter park.
- Permalink: Hello, Smithers. Fancy seeing you in casual encounter park.
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I insist you never wear shoes or a proper necktie again. Just house slippers and the most humiliating tie there is - bolo.
- Permalink: I insist you never wear shoes or a proper necktie again. Just ho...
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Take us out first. Anyone can start a family. These days no one can find a job.
- Permalink: Take us out first. Anyone can start a family. These days no on...
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Smithers: They're fighting like Iran and Iraq!
Mr. Burns: What?
Smithers: Persia and Mesopotamia.

- Permalink: They're fighting like Iran and Iraq! What? Persia and Mesopo...
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Apu: Mr Burns, just jump into the net!
Mr. Burns: What's in it for me?
Moe: Just jump!
- Permalink: Mr Burns, just jump into the net! What's in it for me? Just ...
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Homer: Oh! This is Eduardo. He's the pool boy. He thinks he's an angry old rich man.
Mr. Burns: I am an angry old rich man!
Homer: (whispers) That's the pool chemicals talking.
- Permalink: Oh! This is Eduardo. He's the pool boy. He thinks he's an angry ...
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The Simpsons Quotes
Homer: (Wearing glasses) The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side!
Man: (From inside a bathroom stall.) That's a right triangle, you idiot!
Homer: D'oh!
- Permalink: The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles tri...
- Recent Views: 31
Dearest Edna, I must leave you. Why, I cannot say. Where, you cannot know. How I will get there, I haven't decided yet. But one thing I can tell you, any time I hear the wind blow it will whisper the name Edna. And so let us part with a love that will echo through the ages. ---Woodrow
'Woodrow'- Permalink: Dearest Edna, I must leave you. Why, I cannot say. Where, you ca...
- Recent Views: 23
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