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Life can often be cluttered with issues and problems that are very difficult to face. You may have the answers. You may know what to do. You may feel you have things under control.
Sometimes, though, you may not know what to do, or even how to start addressing problems and issues in your life.

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Columbia Counseling Center is here to help. We are a group of professionals whose primary goal is to help you. Psychotherapy is not easily described in general statements. It varies depending on you, your particular needs, your personality and those of our counselors.
We’ve created this site to provide you with information about our professional services and business policies… to help you begin the bring about a change in your own life… bringing a Christian perspective on counseling.
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Columbia Counseling Center offices remain open. If you desire to conduct your session by telehealth, please contact our office at 803-731-4708. The administrative staff will assist you in making those arrangements.

ONLINE counseling is available. Call our office for details. (803-731-4708)

Oftentimes, in the fast-paced world of business, meaningful social interaction and extra curricular enrichment are precious commodities rarely found in the networking arena. Allure Entertainment Group easily stands out from the crowd due to a three tier approach comprised of high caliber events, highly effective promotional and marketing strategies, and a top quality management team comprised of experienced professionals. This winning combination has earned the Allure Entertainment Group a reputation as an industry leader in the networking arena and has laid the groundwork for increased offerings and greater expansion.
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Based in Atlanta, Georgia Allure Entertainment Group is well positioned to take advantage of the diverse commercial and business opportunities offered by the surrounding Southeast Region. Further, Allure’s strong, well established relationships with carefully selected corporations and professional organizations have allowed it to capture and retain its relevance and leadership position within the urban professional demographic.