Nsw Gambling Legislation
The people of NSW expect to have confidence that sporting events are free from match-fixing and corruption, and that gambling on sporting events is regulated. Safe guarding the integrity of sport is essential if sport is to retain its valued position in Australian culture. The Government led the way with regards to match-fixing legislation. Gambling Regulation Act 2003 (Vic). Betting and Racing Act 1998 (NSW). Casino Control Act 1992 (NSW). Community Gaming Act 2018 (NSW). Gaming Machines Act 2001 (NSW). Public Lotteries Act 1996 (NSW). Unlawful Gambling Act 1998 (NSW). Breakwater Island Casino Agreement Act 1984 (Qld). Brisbane Casino Agreement Act 1992 (Qld). Productivity Commission Inquiry Report – Gambling Vol 1 (2010) Productivity Commission Inquiry Report – Gambling Vol 2 (2010) Report of the Investigation pursuant to section 31 of the New South Wales Casino Control Act 1992 prepared by Gail Furness SC (2011) Casino Modernisation Review: Prepared for the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing.
- Nsw Gambling Legislation 2020
- Nsw Gambling Legislation 2019
- New Gambling Legislation
- Nsw Gambling Legislation News
The Government encourages people involved in sport to gain an understanding of integrity issues and suggest the following courses may be useful:
Introductory Courses – Play by the Rules
National Integrity in Sport Unit Courses and resources
Sports Integrity e-book - Helping you know and manage the risks
The people of NSW expect to have confidence that sporting events are free from match-fixing and corruption, and that gambling on sporting events is regulated.
Safe guarding the integrity of sport is essential if sport is to retain its valued position in Australian culture.
The Government led the way with regards to match-fixing legislation. It was the first jurisdiction in Australia to pass law that creates offences for behaviours that corrupt betting outcomes such as fixing results of sporting events. In NSW there is a maximum penalty of 10 years’ imprisonment for match-fixing behaviours.
In 2011, a National Policy on Match-Fixing in Sport was approved by Sports Ministers. The policy is underpinned by the following agreed principles:
- A nationally consistent approach to deterring and dealing with match-fixing in Australia.
- Information sharing and highly efficient networks between governments, major sports, betting operators and law enforcers.
- Consistent national code of conduct principles for sport.
- Active participation in international efforts to combat corruption in sport including an international code of conduct.
Sports betting reforms
In December 2015, NSW implemented important reforms to reduce the harms associated with problem gambling and help secure the integrity of sporting and racing events.
These reforms regulate betting on sporting events in line with the National Policy on Match Fixing in Sport, which was agreed to by all Australian sports ministers in June 2011.
Nsw Gambling Legislation 2020
The reforms regulate the interaction between sporting organisations and betting service providers, provide a framework for the establishment of integrity agreements between sports controlling bodies and betting service providers, and outline fundamental requirements for betting on sporting events.
They aim to strengthen the integrity of both the sporting events themselves as well as the associated betting that occurs on those events.
The reforms prohibit any betting service provider from offering a betting service (in NSW or elsewhere) in relation to a NSW sporting event unless that betting service provider is licensed in an Australian jurisdiction.
In addition, if there is a prescribed sports controlling body for the sporting event the licensed betting service provider must not offer betting services unless there is an integrity agreement meeting the requirements of the legislation in place between the sports controlling body and the licensed betting-service provider.

The essential requirements of an integrity agreement include the following:
1. an outline of the measures used to prevent, investigate and assist in the prosecution of any match fixing or corrupt behaviour;
2. provision of financial return to the sport;
3. information sharing arrangements; and
4. a consultation process for applications for new sporting events and bet types.
Nsw Gambling Legislation 2019
Details of the integrity agreement, including financial arrangements, are determined not by Government but by the parties to the agreement. While the Act contains measures that actively bring the parties to the negotiating table, the outcome of the negotiations is left to the parties themselves. It is considered that the parties themselves are in the best position to reach agreement on these commercial matters, at arms length from Government.
It is expected that arrangements for the provision of financial return to sports from betting service providers will assist in meeting the integrity-related costs incurred by sports controlling bodies.
More information about Sports Controlling Bodies and sport betting is on the Office of Liquor & Gaming website.
Declared Betting Events
A new sporting event may only be prescribed by the Minister for Racing (in cases where a sports controlling body has been approved for the sporting event) if an integrity agreement is in place between the applicant and the sports controlling body does not oppose the making of the order.
Where there is no approved sports controlling body for a sporting event, the Act requires the applicant to consult with key people or bodies involved in the administration of the event and convey their views to the Minister for Racing for consideration prior to making an order.
New Gambling Legislation
Gambling advertising
The Government has responded to community concerns about the pervasive nature of some advertising containing inducements to gamble by strengthening our laws and broadening the inducement types for which penalties apply. The new requirements are intended to protect problem gamblers, and those who may be lured into gambling but can ill afford to bet, from inducements to open betting accounts or gamble.
Nsw Gambling Legislation News
It has also legislated to prevent publication of advertisements which promote live odds relating to a particular match or event while they are in progress.