Gambling Ring Bowling Green Ky
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Gambling Anonymous in Bowling Green on See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Casinos in Bowling Green, KY. Problem Gambling Resources in Kentucky. Kentucky Council on Problem Gambling. Box 4595 Frankfort, KY Tel: 502.223.1823 Email: 760 Campbell Lane. Bowling Green, KY 42104. Phone: 270-599-0003.
Visit our jewelry shop in Bowling Green, KY. 1971 Cave Mill Rd Suite 4 Bowling Green, Kentucky 42104. Tel: 270-282-4116 Fax: 270-782-8167. Email: giadiamonds@aol. July 11, 2020 BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (AP) — A Kentucky man has been sentenced to one year and three months in prison for operating an illegal gambling operation on the internet.
Q: Where is the SoKY Ice Rink?
A: 636 Center Street under the SoKY Marketplace Pavilion, located behind SKyPAC. There are entrances on Center Street and 6th Street.
Q: Where can I park?
A: There is free parking available in the Pavilion lot, on the street, or in Stadium Park Plaza Garage. There are entrances to the parking garage on 7th Street and 8th Street.
Gambling In Bowling Green Ky
Q: Do I have to bring my own skates?
A: No, skates are included in the admission price. You are allowed to bring your own if you wish.
Q: How much is it?
Gambling Ring Bowling Green Ky Homes For Sale
A: $12 for adults, $10 for Kids 12 and Under, Kids Under 4 are free.

Q: Are there any discounts?
A: Yes, there are several ways to get discounted admission.
Read & Feed Program: Bring your library card or sign up for a library card at the SoKY Ice Rink and receive $2 off admission. You can also bring peanut butter, dry beans, cereal, oats or oatmeal, or canned chicken, tuna or salmon to donate to HOTEL, INC. and get $2 off admission.
Twinkle at the Track: If you visit Twinkle at the Track, there is a $2 off coupon in their coupon book.
Polar Express: If you attend the Historic Railpark’s Polar Express, there is a $2 off coupon in the materials you receive when you sign up.
Event Nights: On certain event nights, we offer $2 off admission for dressing up as a character.
WKU Discount: Students get $2 off admission Monday-Thursday with a valid ID.
Military/Emergency Responders: $2 off admission.
Q: What are your hours?
A: Hours of Operation:
Nov 15 - Dec 22
Sunday: 1pm - 8pm
Monday - Thursday: 4pm - 8pm
Friday 4pm - 10pm
Saturday 10am - 10pm
Holiday Break Hours:
Dec 23 - Jan 5
Sunday 1pm - 8pm
Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday - Saturday - 10am - 10pm
Holiday Hours:
Thanksgiving - 4-8PM
Black Friday - 10AM - 10PM
Christmas Eve - 10AM - 4PM
Christmas Day - 4-8PM
New Year's Eve - 4PM-1AM
New Year's Day - 1PM-8PM
Q: What do you do if there is bad weather?
A: We will put a weather update on the SoKY Ice Rink Facebook page if there is going to be any impact on our open hours. In the event there is lightning, everyone must exit the rink, return their skates, and get in their cars and wait 30 minutes without lightning before coming back to skate.
Q: Are you doing Spirit Nights?
A: No, we are not doing Spirit Nights during the 2019-2020 season.
Q: Who do I contact if I want to volunteer?
A: Email
Q: How do I find out about your events?
A: Check out our Facebook page where we post everything about events, or download our PDF flyer.

If gambling is causing a problem in your life we encourage you to ask questions, gather information and conduct research on the type of help that is most appropriate for your situation. This information is intended to be a starting point—it is not a complete list of information or services.
FIND HELP IN YOUR STATE NOW, including counseling, treatment, self-help and support groups:

National Problem Gambling Helpline
Call: 1-800-522-4700
Text: 1-800-522-4700
Kentucky Council on Problem Gambling
P.O. Box 4595
Frankfort, KY 40604-4595
Tel: 502.223.1823
Website: and
Helpline: 800.426.2537
• Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services is responsible for general health and/or addiction services in this state, and may also have information on problem gambling.
• For the fact sheet on gambling and problem gambling in Kentucky, click here.

Self Help Resources
• Gamblers Anonymous (
Is fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem.
• Gam-Anon (
Is a self-help organization for the spouse, family or close friends of compulsive gamblers.
• GamTalk (
Is a 24/7 moderated online peer support forum.
Please visit our Screening Tools page to access three problem gambling assessment tools. It is important to note that these screens are not a diagnosis and DO NOT replace a face-to-face evaluation with a trained clinical professional.
• The Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen (BBGS). A 3-item survey designed to help people decide on their own whether to seek a formal evaluation of their gambling behavior.
• DSM-5 Addictive Gambling Criteria. The American Psychiatric Association guidelines used for the medical diagnosis of addictive gambling.
• NORC Diagnostic Screen for Gambling Problems. This simple self test will help you to evaluate your gambling behavior. Just answer 10 questions adapted from the DSM IV criteria.
• Certified Gambling Counselor Directory
• Treatment Facility List
In addition to the resources listed above, there are many additional resources for problem gamblers throughout the National Council on Problem Gambling site.
• Resources page pulls together information and links about our State Affiliates, U.S. and international resources, awareness promotion, state problem gambling services, financial issues, and much more.
• Celebrate & Inspire – In order to get beyond the statistics and provide a more personal and individual picture of this issue, this section features the stories of individuals who have been affected by problem gambling, including problem gamblers and their family members, friends, colleagues and employers; treatment providers; advocates; and any others.